How to achieve sensorial success

The launching of a new product is a process full of risks and uncertainties, the minimization of these risks has to be a key milestone of any R&D or marketing department.

Considering that the key for the success of a product is to anticipate the needs of a consumer, the sensorial analysis provides the information that we need to know their tastes.

It is important to know if a product is liked but is also important to know why. This is why is important to work with trained tasters panels that identify and objectively measure each organoleptic characteristic of the product they are assessing (example: «savoury flavour, 5.6», «crunchy character 4.1″…)

How do we achieve sensorial success?

The winning formula is in the answers of consumers together with the answers of the trained tasters. This combination provides important information to develop new products or improve the already existing products.

In Tastelab, company specialized in sensorial analysis; we have developed SUCCESTASTE, a service that combines the hedonic sensorial answers (subjective) and analytical (objective) using complex data.

Therefore, is possible to obtain useful information that allows the identification of KEY DRIVERS, correlations, the generation of assets for the decision-making process…



If  you want more information about the new service SUCCESSTASTE, contact us through the e-mail: info@localhost or by phone  +34 982 818 019.

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