Taste Panel TasteLab. Repeatability and reproducibility.

The training of tasters is a key actor to obtain reliable results. It could be said that the senses of the tasters are the «sensors» and the tasting panel is the «analytical team» andit  should be calibrated, that is to say, the measures obtained by the tasting panel have to be repeatable and reproducible.

The standard UNE-ISO 8586:2012  defines repeatability and reproducibility as:

Repeatability: measure of the concordance obtained under observation conditions where independent test/measurement results are obtained with the same method on identical                                                        test/measurement items in the same test or measuring facilities by the same operator using the same equipment within short intervals of time

Reproducibility: measure of the concordance obtained under observation conditions where independent test/measurement results are obtained with the same method on identical                                                   test/measurement items in different test or measurement facilities with different operators using different equipment.

There are statistical tools that allow the analysis of data and corroborate that the panel complies with the requirements.

If deviations are detected in any of the tasters, they will be re-trained to ensure that all the tasters have the same criteria when assessing a product.

Other posts (spanish version):

Panel de cata TasteLab I. Selección de nuevos catadores.

Panel de Catadores Entrenados
Trained tasters panel

Panel de cata TasteLab II. Pruebas de selección de catadores.

Prueba de sensibilidad gustativa
Proof of sensitivity of taste
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